
How To Clean Unsealed Wood Floors?

Wooden floors are durable and make the home decor very classic and presentable. On the contrary, when it comes to cleaning the unsealed floors, it is not only tough but requires specific cleaning products too. The wood soaks up the moisture that is smeared on the floor. To avoid this, cleaning products should be used in appropriate quantities. In this article, we have summarised a few tips and steps that you can follow to learn how to clean unsealed wood floors. Materials required to clean unsealed wood floors are a mop, bucket, water, vinegar, cloth or rag, and broom. Steps to Clean the Floor - The common mistake that people make while cleaning the wood floor is that they start by cleaning it with water. Instead, you should start with a broom. Sweep the floor completely and get rid of all the solid dust particles that are visible. If we skip this step then the big dust particles dissolve in the water making it dirty which will further make the floor dirtier. - After you have s

How Long Does Polyurethane Take to Dry?

Polyurethane is used for decorative and functional purposes and can levitate the look of your house instantly, but not doing so with care can ruin your costly hardwood floors. In this article, you will get to know the types of Polyurethane available in the market and how long the complete process lasts . Make sure to read till the end to know what factors affect the time taken for this process. You will also learn about How Long Does Polyurethane Take to Dry. Timeline of the Application Process of Polyurethane Before you even open the can of Polyurethane, make sure you clear all the furniture over your working space. Make sure to properly sand dust the surface and broom away from the shavings. Keep the wooden surface as clean as possible. Before we start with the timeline, you need to know the difference between drying time and curing time . The former is the amount of time you will need to wait before applying a second coat. In this process, waiting is as much of an importance a

Sump Pump Stopped Working - What To Do Now?

A machine is a machine so it can stop working anytime sooner or later. No matter how much you take care of it, no doubt someday or once in life it will stop working for sure. So it is important to learn about that machine for tackling the upcoming problems. Just like other machines, the Sump Pump can stop working too and it is common. Because it's a water tool and if the pump is not working for a long time it will stop working. Also, other things like blockage, rust, and leakage, etc. can also cause trouble. Some other things also cause issues to work sump pump properly, so in this article, we are gonna talk about them. If your sump pump stopped working too then you need to check this guide. Maybe you will be able to solve the problem by yourself. © Why Sump Pump Fails To Work Properly? When a working sump pump stops working or turns on, then there are chances that you have a flooded basement. Maybe your sump pump is not that powerful to tackle with too much water.

How to Clean Travertine Floors - 5 Simple Steps

If you are planning to go for a complete makeover of the house by switching to travertine flooring, you are in for an experience of a pure aesthetic look of your home. You have probably installed Travertine flooring in your home or are contemplating doing so. So, it becomes imperative to say that Travertine comes with lots of holes and hollow spaces and tends to accumulate dirt in its gaps quickly. Now the question that is probably clouding your mind is how to clean travertine floors. Well, there are specific techniques and proper cleaning rules to be adopted and adhered to get back the shiny, clean look of your dear travertines. Read along to clear away the mists of confusion from your mind and gear up to start with the cleaning process. Let’s begin! What is Travertine? Like other forms of stone flooring (say, marble or limestone), Travertine is a type of stone used for flooring purposes in residential properties. Its uneven, rough surface replete with hollows and pits enhances it

How to Get Sharpie Out of Carpet? [5 Effective Ways]

Sharpies, for kids, are a creative way to show off their talent in drawing but it, most definitely, is a disaster if they start drawing on walls, furniture, and carpets. Parents have no choice but to get down on their knees and clean those stains off of their carpet. How do you get rid of those stains? What chemicals do you use to get the stain off your carpet? How do you avoid the stain from spreading further over the carpet ? You will find answers to all of these questions in this article. Top 5 Most Effective Ways to Get Rid of Sharpie Stains on Carpets You can never predict and prevent sharpie stains on your carpet but what you can certainly do is know the quickest and easiest ways to get them off the carpet . The main ingredient to removing sharpie stains is alcohol . Whatever chemical you use, it must have a certain amount of alcohol to separate the stain from the fibres of the carpet. So without further beating around the bush, let’s discuss the steps to get sharpie stains

Top 6 Best Pedestal Sump Pumps

Are you absolutely annoyed with the problem of waterlogging and dampened floors and walls? Then you definitely need to take a look at the basement because your basement might have been flooded with water. In case this happens, you need to install a pedestal sump pump as quickly as possible. What is a pedestal Pump and Why is it needed? Around the globe, numerous people stay close to or immersed in the water table level, and they easily find their basement water clogged or dampened. This is the exact reason why pedestal pumps come in use so that any expensive water damage can be avoided, and you can save a lot of time and money as well. In general, there are two types of sump pumps, namely- the pedestal and the submersible sump pumps. Out of the two, pedestal pumps are the ones that come in two different components- the all-in-one motor, and a hose that is installed in it. These are more durable than the submersible pumps and are relatively lesser-priced at the same time. This kind of s

How to Clean Pergo Floors? [A Detailed Guide]

There are three types of Pergo floors and all of them have to be dealt with differently when it comes to the cleaning process. The three types are laminated, hardwood, and rigid floors. In this article, we will tell you about the perfect way to clean your Pergo floors . We have also discussed the preventive measures to be taken to minimize damages on the surface of your flooring. You will also come to know what methods are used to get rid of different types of stains and products you can buy online to help you with your cleaning. How to Prevent or Lessen Damages on Your Pergo Flooring As mentioned below, we have three types of Pergo floors. Read along to know what preventive measures you need to undertake. - Do not drag your furniture around. Use furniture leg pads to avoid scratches during any activity. - Dust is the main enemy of Pergo floors . Make sure you have doormats in every threshold or transition zone of your house. Shake and scuff off the dirt under your shoes b